Attended a really cool session with
Elan Lee - dude who has done some of the most published work in Alternate Reality Games (also called augmented reality or immersive gaming). He worked on this really cool project with Nine Inch Nails to create a soundtrack for an interactive experience for their last CD. They created secret websites (see
Open Source Resistance), used phone numbers, dropped unrecorded tracks on thumb drives at concerts. Those who followed were really engaged and followed the game - got to experience a secret underground concert - with exploding walls and everything. Read more about it at
Wired. It's really neato keen.
Basically, you create a game that merges multiple technologies, places, and experiences. Going to talk about at PLA in a program called Dangerous Ideas with my buds from libraryland. Hint: imagine cultivating the inner info geek in our communities through games that excite and ignite passion?
Quote for the day:
Information is Contagious - Sneeze - Open Source Resistance Poster